Friday, 26 January 2018

Steam Cleaning Vs. Dry Carpet Cleaning: Which Is Better?

Steam Cleaning Vs. Dry Carpet Cleaning: Which Is Better? is available on: Refresh Rug Cleaning Blog

No matter how you may have tried to keep your carpet clean, you still have dirt and grime and stains that have accumulated over the years, and now you need carpet cleaning services.

Steam cleaning and dry cleaning are often the two methods used for cleaning carpets, but you may wonder which method to choose and which one offers the most benefits?

Why Steam Cleaning Isn't A Chemical Free Method

In the debate of steam cleaning versus dry cleaning, there is a myth that needs to be cleared up surrounding steam being used to clean carpets. Many commercial and home cleaning machines use hot water that releases vapor, but the steam itself is not what cleans the carpet.

The machine sprays a detergent on the carpet and hot water activates the detergent on the fibers of the carpet-alkaline is used for synthetic types of carpet fibers, and acidic is used for wool and more natural fiber carpets. To suck up the excess water on the floor, a wet-vac is then used.

Many people prefer the steam cleaning method because they are concerned about the dry cleaning method using chemicals that can affect their health and the environment. The only chemical-free way to clean a carpet is by just vacuuming it because even the use of everyday water is considered using a chemical.

Often, when people ask if their carpets can be cleaned without the use of chemicals, what they are asking is if their carpets can be cleaned safely? With most carpet cleaning services, the answer to the question is a yes, and your carpet cleaning company will often use a cleaning solution that can clean your carpet safely without harmful side effects.

By using a hot water extraction system during the rinsing phase with a steam cleaner or carpet shampooer, this is often enough to rinse away any cleaning solution that has been used leaving behind a minimal amount of residue in the carpet. There are also non-toxic and hypo-allergenic cleaning solutions free of any perfumes or dyes that can be used for those who suffer from asthma or allergies.

Steam Cleaning Means Longer Wait Times

You can either rent a carpet cleaner or buy a steam cleaner. Rented steam cleaners usually rely on hot tap water to function correctly, while cleaning machines leased from your local grocery or hardware store may use a heating element.

Both types of machines work by placing a cleaning solution in the machine and then moving the machine slowly back and forth over the carpet. The machine then sucks up the excess water and dumps it out.

Typically after you have steam cleaned your carpets, you have to stay off them for approximately 12 to 24 hours until they dry. Sometimes the carpet will shrink after all the remaining fluid dries. If, however, your carpet is made of natural, untreated fibers, then this should not be a concern.

Professional Steam Cleaning Dries Faster

You may want to consider hiring a professional to steam clean your carpets. Often they have more powerful cleaning machines or a machine that is attached to a vehicle.

Because they do use a more powerful steam cleaner and it is a professional system, it can spray more detergent into the carpet fibers and also suck up much more water. Carpets did professionally often take less time to dry.

The prices for carpet cleaning services will vary depending on the area in which you live and also the size of the room.

Having your carpets professionally cleaned can also reduce the appearance of wear and tear and maintain that like-new appearance for your flooring.


Dry Carpet Cleaning Means Less Wait Time

You may also opt for dry cleaning your carpet using cleaning solvents or dry chemicals. When you place these chemicals on your carpet, they will break down the dirt hiding in your carpet fibers.

Often the name "dry" cleaning is misleading since professionals do use a small amount of moisture in the application solutions that work with the dry compounds they use.

Dry cleaning, however, does offer time benefits. You can use your floors almost immediately after the cleaning is finished. Dry cleaning chemicals are most often used in retail and industrial settings for this very purpose.

Pros and Cons Of Steam Versus Dry Cleaning

If you remain undecided between the two methods of steam cleaning or dry cleaning, here are some more tips that may help you:

If you steam clean your carpets you will need only hot water, some detergent, and a rented machine. The downside is you will have to wait 12 to 24 hours before you can walk on your carpet.

Stains on your carpet that have been around for awhile will reappear within the first few days after you steam clean. Using a commercial solution can often reduce or eliminate this problem, but there are specific stains such as chemical stains or pet stains that will need many treatments before it can be removed.

Dry cleaning offers the advantage of virtually no drying time and a more thorough cleaning through the use of chemicals and application solutions.

While the chemicals used in dry cleaning can be harsh, homeowners are urged to talk to their commercial cleaning service about any products they may use and if the chemicals they use have any strong odors.

Convinced that you need a professional carpet cleaner? Call the pros at Refresh Carpet Cleaning Services today at 604-474-2455 for your free estimate!

Carpet Cleaners in Vancouver

Refresh Carpet Cleaning Vancouver
225 West 8th Avenue #300R Vancouver, BC V5Y1L7
(604) 757-5165


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