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We love our pets. Our carpets, not so much. Not only do carpets attract and hold in urine and other smells, over time they start to mimic the natural doggy odour. We love the feel of carpet under our feet, soft and cozy, but the appeal starts to disappear when it starts to smell. There are thankfully several ways to help remove pet odours from your floors so they can continually smell fresh.
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Can I Come Inside?[/caption]
Vacuum regularly
Not only can vacuuming keep allergens to a minimum, but it prevents dirt getting ground into the carpet creating permanent stains. Removing dirt, and pet hair and dander as quickly as possible prevents the buildup of debris and smells. It also helps to remove any parasites or fleas that hitched a ride into your home, keeping your pets healthy. Ideally, homes that have pets need to be vacuumed daily, but busy lives don’t always allow for this. At least three times a week will work as a backup plan.
Vacuum the right way
The task of vacuuming needs to be done often and correctly to be effective. Suction is stronger as you pull backwards, so it is best to pull more slowly when going in that direction. Move across the carpet in parallel straight lines from one side to the other. Once you are completed in one direction, move to the adjacent wall and repeat the process coming the other way. Then to ensure it is truly clean and fresh, work your way around the room while in front of each wall.
Use the right vacuum
Cheaper models do not have the good quality seals and filters so will not hold dirt and allergens effectively. It is worth investing in a HEPA filter to make sure you catch even the smallest particles. Odor-causing bacteria will also get captured rather than just sent floating around the room. Make sure you change bags regularly and get new filters when needed.
Change the filter
Vacuum system filters need to be changed monthly to maintain a smooth running system. Since air continuously circulates through your home, hair dander and dirt can move through central heating systems and end up in air ducts to finding their way back to the rooms. By changing filters regularly, you can capture and remove the particles to ensure fresh smelling living areas.
Invest in professional steam cleaning
Hot water extraction is ideal for removing stains and settled debris. Done annually, steam cleaning can ensure your carpets do not harbor any odours, hairs or leftover accidents. It also helps to extend the life of your carpet, so it is worth investing in even on a semi-annual basis.
Treat stains right away
Pets have accidents and can get sick, so stains are common. The best thing you can do for your carpets is to use professional carpet cleaning methods. Clean up any solid substances and then remove any liquid stains. Take your time with the blotting to remove as much of the stain as you can. Then apply baking soda, vinegar or enzymatic cleaners to get rid of any residual proteins and eliminate odours.
Freshen with baking soda
Sprinkle baking soda at least once a week to maintain freshness. Vacuum first to remove dirt and dander then sprinkle all over to remove residual grease or odours. You can use a soft-bristled brush to gently work it into the carpet and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Ideally, you want to add the baking soda before you go out for the day, so it has ample time to absorb odours. Vacuum again but go slowly and empty the bin regularly. For an extra fresh scent, you can mix baby powder to the baking soda.
Pre-treat carpets
Special powders that eliminate odors can be purchased from stores. They work similarly to baking soda when sprinkled over the carpet, absorbing odors. The main difference is that these powders leave more noticeable scents behind like lavender or wildflowers and they are also more expensive than baking soda.
Essential oils
Fill a spray bottle with water and a few drops of any essential oil you like the smell of. Spray a thin mist over your carpet and allow it to settle. The best time to do this is after vacuuming, and you will have a fresh scent until the next time. You can also use cinnamon with baking soda as a way to freshen before and after you vacuum.
Brush animals often
Pets shed constantly, and their hair will get all over the house and carpets. Over time it builds up and can leave their odour behind. By spending five minutes a day brushing your dog or cat, you can reduce the amount of free hairs. This keeps your pets happy and healthy and your floors odour free. You also will not have to change your vacuum bag as often.
Wipe dirty paws
After outdoor adventures, your pets like to bring in the dirt and mud, which stain the carpet. The best approach to prevent this is to have a large floor mat by the doors, both inside and out to catch dirt and mud as they come and go.
Use a black light
If you have access to one, black lights can help to detect stains hiding from your eyes. Even if you have previously cleaned up an accident, residues can stay behind. These deeper stains are below the surface and can create quite an unpleasant odour with time. Find them with a black light and use peroxide, vinegar, baking soda or enzymatic cleaners to treat the areas.
Keep your cat happy
While a dog will pee anywhere, cats like to be more discreet and go behind furniture. It may take forever to find the stain, if ever. Cats prefer their litter boxes, so if this is kept clean, they will have no reason to find a new bathroom. If timing is a concern, invest in an automatic pan which does most of the work for you.
Borax and essential oils
Grab some Borax from the laundry and mix with roughly 24 drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix thoroughly to remove any lumps and sprinkle around the carpet. After sitting for 10 minutes, vacuum it away and you will have a fresh and clean floor.
Vinegar for odours
Instead of water in your steam cleaner, use vinegar. This will neutralize smells and leave the carpet looking brighter. Once done, be sure to rinse the machine well by running warm water all the way through it. You can also fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water in a 50:50 ratio. Spray in the air and allow it to settle. As the vinegar evaporates, it neutralizes odours. It does not however have the most pleasant smell, so perhaps following with an air freshener will be more to your liking.
Febreze and air fresheners
Easy to use, air fresheners add a delightful smell to a room and neutralize odours. Spray it on your way out the door, so it can eliminate odours before you return. While these are great for daily use, they do not compare to the deep cleaning of regular vacuuming and professional services.